Azalea Church Covenant

We receive the love and forgiveness of YHWH, our Father in the heavens (see Jn 3:16 and Matt 6:9-15).

We believe that He raised Jesus from death to life (see Acts 2:31-32 and Rom 10:9).

We trust the Holy Spirt to be our helper, comforter, advocate and teacher as Jesus promised (see Jn 14:15-31).

We repent of our sins and have been baptized in Jesus’ name (see Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5).

We confess that Jesus is Lord (see Rom 10:9 and 1 Cor 12:3).

We choose to remain in Him (see Jn 15:4-9 and 1 Jn 2:27-28).

We trust that all scripture is God breathed, and is beneficial for teaching, for convicting, and for training in justice (see 2 Tim 3:16).

Accordingly, by God’s grace and with His help:

We will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth (see Jn 4:24).

We will deny ourselves, take up our cross(es) daily, and follow Jesus (see Luke 9:23).

We will devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers with other followers of Jesus’ way (see Acts 2:42).

We will devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful (see Col 4:1).

We will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (see Eph 4:3).

We will not use our freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but to serve our siblings in Christ in love—just as Jesus did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (see Gal 5:13 and Matt 20:28).

We will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and will be Jesus’ witnesses in our immediate vicinity and beyond— even to the ends of the earth as He leads us (see Acts 1:8).